viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

English: check workseet 4


A) Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets:
  1. Kate sometimes does karate and judo.
  2. Freddy usually plays basketball at school.
  3. The students often correct the mistakes.
  4. Maragaret talks to her aunt Alice twice a week .
  5. Samuel never has a bath.
  6. Robert very often catches the bus.

B) Write the sentences negative or interrogative.
  1. Does Lorenzo cycles to work every day?
  2. The shop doesn´t close at 7 o´clock.
  3. Does Hector eat vegetables?
  4. Does Hannah watch French films?
  5. You don´t help your parents?
  6. Does Bob work at the pub?
  7. Tom doesn´t make his bed.
  8. Does my sister play the drums?
  9. The clock doesn´t strike ten.

C)  Choose the correct option.
  1. c) does
  2. c) sends
  3. b) doesn´t
  4. b) are
  5. c) gets
  6. b) is
  7. b) swims
  8. b) checks 
  9. a) write
  10. c) hates
D) Write sentences using the verbs in the box.
  1. gets up
  2. meets
  3. wears
  4. tells
  5. runs
  6. forgets
  7. is
  8. wins

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