miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

English: Check Simple Past worksheet 2


1) Write the simple past.
  1. Looked.
  2. Arrived.
  3. Hurried.
  4. Planned.
  5. Passed.
  6. Watched.
  7. Enjoyed.
  8. Studied.
  9. Dropped.
  10. Replied.
2) Put the time expressions in the correct order. Start with the most recent.
  1. Last night.
  2. Yesterday Aternoon.
  3. Yesterday morning.
  4. The day before yesterday.
  5. Last week.
  6. Last month.
  7. Three months ago.
  8. Last year.
  9. Two years ago.
3) Write sentences. Use the past simple form.
  1. We moved house about two months ago.
  2. I tidied my room at the weekend.
  3. I celebrated my birthday at home.
  4. Sam visited his grandparents two weeks ago.
4) Personal answers.

5) Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs from the box.
  1. Cycled.
  2. Scored.
  3. Decided.
  4. Cried / missed.
  5. Rained.
  6. Loved.
  7. Joined.
  8. Stopped.
  9. Carried.
  10. Stayed.

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